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There are a range of approaches and techniques in osteopathic treatment. Osteopathy recognises that though people may complain of the same pain, the cause of their pain will vary as people are individuals, an therfore should be treated as such. This is why each patient has a treatment and management plan tailored to them and their specific needs. Osteopathic treatment can benefit people of all ages.

How we can help you

We treat the following common conditions and more:

  • Neck Pain

  • Lower Back Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Knee Pain

  • Hip Pain

  • Sciatic Pain

  • Ankle Pain

  • Foot Pain

  • Pelvic Girdle Pain

  • Migraines

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Digestive problems

  • Muscle strain

  • Arthritic Pain

  • Rib Pain

  • Sport Injury

  • Sinus problems

  • Sacroiliac Pain

  • SPD

  • Scar tissue

  • Mid Back Pain

Treatment for neck, back and joint pain and muscle soreness

Neck pain and back pain are the two most common complaints Osteopaths receive. Most neck and back pain is caused by postural changes that have occured over a long period of time, disc injuries, muscle spasm or restricted spinal segments. When a joint is injured, irritated or not moving as it should, the muscles in the body naturally tense up to protect the area, this is called muscle guarding. This muscle guarding can aid to the heavy achy feeling and joint stiffness. Joint restriction can also be due to arthritis which is inflammation of the joints, gentle soft tissue work of the surrounding muscles can give a sense of freedom to the affected joints.


Initial injury or flare ups are always the most painful and our aim is to decrease your pain as soon as possible to then move on to  treatment managment and future prevention.


Techniques such as spinal manipulation are used to physically free up joint restrictions and bring about movement; articulation to improve joint mobility and increase blood flow to the joint and to push out the toxins that have built up; soft/ deep tissue massage to break down muscular adhesions and to increase blood flow for tissue repair, and stretching to increase muscle length and decrease muscle tone.

neck, back and joint pain ,muscle soreness

Treatment for headaches and migraines

Many people suffer with headaches and migraines. There are a multitude of different kinds of headaches including cluster headaches and cervicogenic headaches (origin from the neck), with varying severities. Our approach to treating headaches and migraines is to: firstly, to ensure that the cause of the headaches/migraines aren’t a risk to the patient’s health. Secondly, to assess the neck (and spine for compensatory patterns) and the head (cranially), looking for tension in muscles of the neck, and restrictions of spinal segments. Thirdly, to treat these tensions and/or restrictions either through soft tissue work of the muscles around the neck, manipulations of spinal segments or treating using cranial osteopathy, doing this will allow the body to move freely and reduce tension .

Headache and migraines

Treatment for pregnant and post-natal women

During pregnancy the body goes through many changes to accommodate the for the growing foetus, weight, and preparation for delivery. Throughout the 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, due to the changes in weight and softening of ligaments a woman’s posture will change three times, once each trimester. These changes, depending on the coping mechanisms of the individual’s body, can put pressure onto joints that are usually non-weight bearing joints, most commonly the pelvis and the lower spine which creates increased tension in the surrounding muscles. Osteopaths believe that “structure governs function” which means that if the structure changes then inherently the function of the joints and muscles involved will function differently too.


How can osteopathic treatment help?


When non-weight bearing joints become weight bearing, they often become sore and achy as a result to the change in function. Osteopathic treatment aims to identify the joints or tissues that aren’t functioning optimally, and through a range of techniques help the body to cope with postural changes of pregnancy in line with the individual.

Each treatment plan will be specific to the patient and their needs. Some of the techniques that may be used are spinal manipulation, massage of tissues, articulation of joints, cranial, stretching and muscle energy techniques. Another part of the plan is self-management; this is where the practitioner may give health information and/or give exercises, the practitioner will encourage patients to actively take part in their management and progression both during pregnancy and post-natal.

pregnant and post-natal women

Treatment for babies and children

How are babies and children treated?


The answer is that they are treated in a similar way to adults. Treating babies and children is in a lot of ways similar to treating an adult of any age, the process of thoroughly assessing the child and carrying out a safe treatment plan for that child is similar to that of an adult. One of the great things about osteopathy is the infinite tool box of techniques which allows osteopaths to choose appropriate techniques that will safely treat a baby, child or adult and their complaint.


Like adults, babies can suffer with digestive problems and tight muscles. The main difference between treating a child and treating an adult is the approach; the techniques used to treat children and babies are gentler, recognising that babies have softer skeletons in comparison to adults. Cranial, gentle articulation and massage are commonly used techniques as they are non- manipulative, gentle and safe to use on children of all ages including new born infants.


The common complaints with babies are; reflux, digestive problems, poor sleeping habits, and preference to turn the head one direction.


The aim of treatment for children and infants, like adults, is to maintain harmony and balance (homeostasis) within the body.  As  osteopaths believe that "Structure governs function", changes in the functions of joints and muscles can potentially bring about change in other areas of the body. Osteopathy, through gentle techniques we can work with the structure to positively bring change to the function.


No child is too young for treatment.

babies and children
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